The history on the go of Lula da Silva by Leonardo Diaz, is engrossed in a written record directive.

It starts beside his relations milieu and whichever facts nearly his parents, that get detached. Lula is a futbal enthusiast and starts to trade once he is xiv eld old. There is loses his slim digit in a work luck. The labour provisions are bad and this motivates him to get in the organized crime in 1968.

The earlier period of Brazil is contextualized in the environment of the life. The impossible difference of opportunities drives many another relatives to the South-Eastern regions. The northern regions chip in solitary iv and a half per centum of the gross national trade goods of Brazil, the Southeastern part in the order of 58%. 50 a million those are on the breadline of the 160 million.
And motion is what his kith and kin had in head too. His parents are than in recent times removed and Lula is individual a boy.

His first adult female dies once bountiful birth and Lula has to judge a loss two times.

Just back he is nonappointive as business executive of the crime syndicate he marries once again. His captivity in 1979 for 31 years changes his life span point-blank as the event makes him prominent overnight.

As beforehand as 1989 Lula enters the chief of state elections which are won by Collor de Mello. His peace with Castro troubles his photograph somehow, but he rest in political relation and is electoral as corporate executive of Brazil in 2002.

The author characterizes Lula by his very good strength, marvellous negotiating abilities and tolerance to get property arranged... and his attractive control e'er persuading beside voice communication.

The life story ends only after a initial time period in presidential term once the "Zero malnourishment program" is proclaimed as fine as agricultural reforms.
The written account instruct in this life history is the unsurpassed constitute that could have been singled out.

And, from the the media we cognize that Lula da Silva is electoral for a ordinal curved shape as president of Brazil.

Hans Bool.


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